Tuesday 23 June 2015

Top 7 Natural Remedies for Oily Skin During Summer – Best Tips

Just as winter bids us goodbye for the year and the warm breezes of summer start blowing, people get ready to get out and enjoy the sun in beaches and parks. But for many of us blessed with oily skin, it almost seems like the end of pimple and acne free days, as we reach out for our blotting sheets, oil-free sunscreens, cleansers and cooling gels to keep the sebaceous glands under control. Although, oily and combination skin needs a lot of extra care and attention, but to look at the brighter side, it ages much slower than normal and dry skin and keeps away fine lines and wrinkles for a longer period of time.

Basic Points to Keep in Mind for Care of Oily Skin:
These are some of the basic tips of skin care that you need to introduce into your skin care routine if you have oily skin. 
Try to use lukewarm water for cleansing oily skin, as it dissolves oil more effectively than cold water.
Cleansing your face twice a day is enough for keeping it clean. Don’t overdo the cleaning as it can over dry skin and trigger oil production from the sebaceous glands.
Use a gel based cleanser containing salicylic acid, citric acid and glycolic acid that help in reducing dead skin cells that clogs pores and leads to pimple outbreaks.
Don’t scrub too much. Exfoliating the skin 2-3 times a week is more than enough for removing dead cells and black heads. Skin produces natural oils to store moisture, keep it hydrated and fight irritations. Over doing on the scrubbing strips the skin of its natural oils and moisture.
As the summer season starts, go low on makeup. Substitute the heavy foundation for tinted moisturizing creams containing silicone that does not dissolves in to the pores and clogs them. It also creates a barrier between skin and heat.
Use a soothing face mask made of fuller earth (multani mitti) or sandal wood once a week to soak up excess oil, remove impurities and cool the skin.
Control the temptation of touching your face with your hands, as it transfers additional oil, dirt and germs to your face making it prone to outbreaks. Scalp and hair produces oils too, so try to pull it back and keep away from your face during summer.
Watch what you eat. Those alluring cocktails and fried oily food might appear tempting, but they add extra oil to the skin making it susceptible to acne and pimples. Try to avoid food rich in oil and substitute them with food rich in vitamin A, such as, sweet potatoes, carrots, leafy greens such as kale, spinach, lettuce, red peppers, and fruits like cantaloupe, apricot, mango, etc.
Supply enough water to your body and skin by drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day.

7 Home Remedies for Oily Skin during Summer Season:
Tired of experimenting with various types of over the counter cleansers and ointments that promise to clear the problem of pimples and acne from the root but fail to show any results in reality? Forget the toxic chemicals and try out these natural skin care tips and home remedies for oily skin and pimples that boasts of the wholesome goodness of nature.
Oat Meal and Aloe Vera Scrub:

Aloe Vera has been used for its medicinal qualities since ancient times. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe help in treating acne, sun tan and skin infections. Take a handful of dry oats and mix it thoroughly with some aloe vera gel and apply on face and massage gently with your fingers in clock wise and anti-clock wise direction for 3-5 minutes. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse off with water.

This is a great natural scrub that exfoliates the skin and clears dead cells, black heads and white heads. Do not use the scrub on pimple and acne affected areas, as it may aggravate the irritation.
Apple and Honey Face Pack:

Crush a seeded apple and mix 3 tablespoon honey with it. Apply on clean face. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse off with water. Honey helps in removing excess oil from skin and reduces black and white heads.

Banana and Honey Face Pack:

Blend one banana with a table spoon of honey and a tea spoon of lemon juice. Apply on face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Remove the pack with a hot towel or rinse well with water. Lemon juice being a natural cleanser helps in removing excessive grease and sebum and its acidic properties helps in removing tan.

Mango Mask:

Mash a whole ripe mango in to a smooth pulp and massage it softly and evenly on your skin. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then rinse with water. This mask helps in unclogging pores and removing impurities.

Egg Yolk Face Pack:

Egg yolk is known for its tightening effect on skin. It also cuts out excessive oil from skin. Break one egg and separate its yolk. Use a cotton ball to apply the yolk on excessive oily areas of the face, such as, nose, chin, cheeks, forehead and temple. Let it dry for 10 minutes. Rinse well with water.

Peppermint Toner:

The astringent property of peppermint makes it a wonderful toner. It is very useful in treating pimple, acne, irritation, itching, sunburn and cooling the skin. In order to make the peppermint toner, put a handful of peppermint leaves in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Wait for half an hour and then strain the liquid. Cleanse your face and apply this natural toner to your face with a cotton ball.

Store the rest of the toner in a bottle. It can be used for a week if refrigerated properly.
Egg White Moisturizer:

And in order to complete our oily skin care regime, we need the oh-so-essential moisturizer. Yes, even oily skin needs moisturizer for nourishment. Eggs are loaded with proteins that are great for skin. In addition, eggs are known to maintain the natural elasticity of skin. Therefore, what better way to pamper the skin than with egg white moisturizer?

Take an egg and separate the egg yolk from the egg white. Add 4 table spoons of almond oil and 1 table spoon of lemon juice to the egg white and mix thoroughly. Apply on face and let it dry completely. Clean face with warm water.

With most of the ingredients easily available in the kitchen or the freezer, there is no need to be worried about the problems of oily skin any more. Try out these wonderful natural face packs and masks and you may find yourself overjoyed with the results.

Credit:B Mukherjee

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