Friday 21 August 2015

How To Grow Your Eyelashes Naturally

No eye makeup is complete without a touch up on your eyelashes. Eyelashes are a vital part of your eye. They grow from the tips of the eyelids. Long eyelashes make an attractive look. That is why a lot of women dream to have longer lashes. But unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with long and thick eyelashes. We can make our eyelashes longer by makeup or by applying natural ways. If you have naturally long eyelashes, you don’t have to spend a lot of mascara to make it look longer. But if you don’t, then you may need to work on making it look longer. So why don’t you start growing your eyelashes naturally? Can you make your eyelashes grow longer than ever before? Learn the secret tricks and tips to grow longer eyelashes .

1. Proper Care

To get a perfect amount of eyelashes, you must take care of your eye to make it work. If you try everything and don’t keep your eyes clean, then you will not get the benefit. Take off your makeup and clean your eyes every time before you go to bed.

2. Brush Eyelashes

Yes it seems a little weird but there actually is a type of comb which can help you to brush your eyelashes. This one is the easiest way to make your eyelashes longer. Comb your eyelashes regularly and see the result.

3. Vaseline

It is an old-age trick but it really works! And it is the simplest one! You just have to use a cotton stick or mascara brush and apply a swipe of Vaseline on your eyelid before you go to bed. It will make your lashes longer and thicker. You have to wait for the results but it will make a noticeable change.

4. Natural Oils

Olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil and castor oil are mostly common for making your lash longer. Applying them regularly on your lashes can simply make it work. To see the best result, do it regularly. Natural oil contains vitamins, minerals and lengthening agents which will not only enlarge your lashes but also moisturize them.

5. Lash Accelerator

There are some mascaras which have lash accelerators. You can try the one from Rimmel London which will definitely work! A coat of mascara will make it grow longer. You have to spend a little for the mascara but you are giving a perfect look with your long eyelashes!

6. Vitamin E

If you think you need a faster result, try Vitamin E supplements. Make a routine of taking one on a daily basis. Vitamin E lotion also helps to increase your lashes to its maximum growth.

7. Massage Eyelids

Most common problems you may have faced with eyelashes are that they can fall out and even break if you mistreat them. You can rub your eyelids to help it out. Massaging the eyelids can stimulate the hair follicles which help to grow stronger eyelashes.

8. Diet

Your natural growth of hair depends on the diet you are following. If you have a bad diet then you will notice that your body will not support to the growths properly. Your eyelashes will not increase enough too. Try to intake fruits and veggies to make a remarkable difference.

9. Lengthening Mascara

If you have nothing that is working on your lashes, then just go for the lengthening mascaras. This one will give you an instant solution to make your lashes look longer and thicker.

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