Tuesday 15 September 2015

Sodium Allowance for Women

Sodium and Your Health Sodium, commonly known as salt, is an alkaline element that occurs naturally in most foods and plays an essential role in maintaining the optimal health and functioning of your body. Adult women should consume no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.

Most women, however, consume more than the daily recommendation, with negative consequences to their health

Sodium and Health

Sodium is a necessary part of your daily diet, and your body needs at least 1,500 milligrams per day to function normally, according to the Institutes of Medicine. Sodium helps your body maintain a proper balance of liquids and regulates both blood pressure and blood volume. The mineral aids your nervous system in transmitting nerve impulses and affects the contraction and relaxation of muscles.

Your kidneys process and store an optimal balance of sodium. They retain sodium when your dietary levels are too low, and they excrete sodium through urine when levels are too high.
Sources of Sodium

Dietary sodium typically comes from three main sources. Processed foods, such as prepared dinners, soups, cold cuts and fast food contain large amounts of added salt. Sodium also occurs naturally in vegetables, dairy products, meat and shellfish. While these foods contain lower levels of sodium than processed foods, eating too much natural sodium can still be harmful to your health. The third primary source of sodium is the salt in your kitchen cabinet or on your dining table.
Finding a Healthy Balance

Reduce your sodium intake by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat potassium-rich foods to counteract the negative effects of sodium on your body, recommends the American Heart Association. Foods high in potassium include spinach, bananas, dairy products and sweet potatoes. Season your food with salt-free herbs, spices and lemon instead of reaching for the salt shaker.

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