For starters, ‘what is a BIG CHOP or BC’?? The Big Chop is when you cut off all the relaxed ends of your hair at one time. Some people ‘transition’ before their BC in which they let their hair grow out for a while (several months – year), and this is where the questions arise.
Whats the point? Why can’t I just transition until my natural hair is the same length that I have right now?
There are several reasons why doing a BC is good:
You get to learn about your hair as it grows; this is REALLY fun!!
You are able do a lot of product experimenting to find the best products for your hair.
During the transition period there is a major break point where the two textures meet, and without a lot of TLC you can cause your hair a lot of stress.
Less likely to give in to the ‘relaxer-addiction’ and put a relaxer in your.
I don’t like the texture of my hair as its growing out, so what if I don’t like it completely natural?
From experience, I can tell you, that the texture that grows out with “relaxed” ends is nothing like the texture when its completely natural. Subconsciously, you are comparing the new roots to the “relaxed” ends and of course they will feel different; but once you get rid of the “relaxed” ends your natural hair will take its true, beautiful, form!!
Honestly, the transitioning phase can be trying at times, and you may feel like you just want to throw in the towel and “put a relaxer in” because it would make things “easier” but RESIST!! Think about how much good you will be doing to your hair, mind, and body by not chemically altering the natural texture of your hair! Applaud yourself for not putting harmful chemicals on your scalp for your skin to absorb! In the end, you will be glad you stayed strong because your natural hair will be FUN, EASY, BEAUTIFUL, and SINCERELY YOURS!!
Credit: Jocelyn Reneé
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