Saturday 29 August 2015

Fashion and Style Lookbook: Avantgarde Or Royal Ascot Gele Lookbook+Tutorial

Fashion and Style Lookbook: Avantgarde Or Royal Ascot Gele Lookbook+Tutorial: Here is a new way to rock your traditional Gele, I must confess its a breath of fresh air . This takes over from the fan gele style that ...

Avantgarde Or Royal Ascot Gele Lookbook+Tutorial

Here is a new way to rock your traditional Gele, I must confess its a breath of fresh air .
This takes over from the fan gele style that we have all been know with.
 If you don't want to be a one trick pony join the bandwagon and learn this new look .

Credit:Abeke Makeover 
Scisors Hands-Abiola Dawodu

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Fashion and Style Lookbook: Great Tips On Rocking The Nude LooK By Banke Meshi...

Fashion and Style Lookbook: Great Tips On Rocking The Nude LooK By Banke Meshi...: Nude Lips are the perfect way to make a bold statement in a subtle way. Nude lips have a classy, sexy look that goes great with dark eyes, s...

Great Tips On Rocking The Nude LooK By Banke Meshida

Nude Lips are the perfect way to make a bold statement in a subtle way. Nude lips have a classy, sexy look that goes great with dark eyes, sophisticated hairstyles or whatever you feel like styling' that day. You can pull off nude lips with practically any look as long as you do it the right way!

You don't want a flaky surface to start out on. Guys want soft, kissable lips! Besides, nude lips show flakes and dry skin even more so than colored lips. Use a wet washcloth, an old toothbrush or a lip scrub to gently exfoliate all those dead skin cells off your lips!

Apply lip balm
Your next step to achieving the perfect nude, subtle lips after exfoliation is to apply a clear lip balm. This will help lock in moisture and give your lipstick something to cling to. You don't want anything really oily or glossy, go for a waxy, smooth balm that's not too sticky for the perfect base!

Choose your shade
When choosing a shade of color for nude lips, it's important to keep skin tone in mind. You don't want to appear sick or dead! Here is a pretty basic guideline to follow: if you have a fair skin, you can try a peachy, pink, or even a totally nude shade! Your pale skin will nicely enhance any of these shades. If you have a medium/dark skin, you can go for a peachy beige, or something warmer in color. Definitely stay away from truly pale beiges, creams or white tones or you'll look like a ghost!

Credit:BM Pro

Monday 24 August 2015

Healthy Monday-How To Check Your Breast For Lumps

A breast lump is a swelling, protrusion, or bump in the boobs thereby making the affected part different from the initial breast tissues around it. Most of the lumps are not cancerous and have different causes such as infections, trauma, fibroadenoma, cyst or fibrocystic condition of the breast.

Regularly examining your boobs on your own can be an effective means to detect breast cancer early, when it’s more likely to be treated successfully. Make it anhabit of doing a breast self-examination twice in a month in order to familiarize yourself with how your boobs look, grow and feel. Examine yourself some days after your period, when your breasts are least likely to be swollen, tender and before your period.

You might need to keep record of the findings of your breast self-exams, this can be like a small map of your breasts and write notes about where you feel lumps or irregularities. Especially in the beginning, this will help you remember, from month to month what is normal for your boobs. It is usual for lumps to appear at certain times of the month, but then disappear, as your body changes with the menstrual cycle so also will the lump change. Only changes beyond one full cycle, or if they seem to get bigger or more prominent in some way should be cause for alarm. Don’t panic when you notice or feel a lump, just consult your doctor and not seek traditional means because it might not help.

Stand naked in front of a mirror, start by looking at your boobs with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. Check out for any changes in the two boobs like any swelling, or dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipples, rest your palms on your hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles. Left and right boobs will not exactly match though, so lookout for any dimpling, puckering, or changes, particularly on one side; Use light, medium, and firm pressure to squeeze the nipples, check for discharge and lumps.Infront Of A MirrorLying Down To Check For Lumps

You can also lie down to crosscheck. When lying down, the boob tissues will spread out along with the chest wall. Place a pillow under your right shoulder and your right arm behind your head. Use your left hand to move the pads of your fingers around your right boobs gently in small circular motions covering the entire breast area and armpit, feel the whole boobs and do this thrice in a month to easily detect lumps or any swollen part.

You can also try doing it in the shower, run a warm shower or bath. Use soap or bath gel to create a soapy, slippery layer over your breast region. Well-soaped skin will be much easier to examine because it allows your fingers to slide along your skin without rubbing, use the pads of your fingers to move around your entire boobs in a circular pattern, move from the outside to the center, check the entire boobs and the armpit area. Check both boobs each month for any lump, thickening, or hardened knot. If you notice any changes and lumps consult a qualified medical personnel.

Check the texture of your boobs as well, raise your left arm over your head and put your left hand on the back of your head. On your right hand, put your index finger, middle finger, and ring finger together as a group and use the three fingers to check your left boob. Check the texture of your left boob by starting out at the outer edge, place your three fingers flat onto your skin, press down and move in small circles. Repeat this all around your boobs and don’t rush when performing the experiment.

Detecting a lump in your boob or hearing a doctor informing you that there is a tumor in your boob can be scary, awkward and unsettling. Breast lumps are not always indicative of cancer, there are benign conditions that causes lump and one of these conditions is intraductal papilloma. The Intraductal papilloma is a small noncancerous tumor originating from a milk duct in the boobs, these tumors are composed of gland, fibrous tissue and blood vessels.

Friday 21 August 2015

Fashion and Style Lookbook: How To Grow Your Eyelashes Naturally

Fashion and Style Lookbook: How To Grow Your Eyelashes Naturally: No eye makeup is complete without a touch up on your eyelashes. Eyelashes are a vital part of your eye. They grow from the tips of the eyeli...

How To Grow Your Eyelashes Naturally

No eye makeup is complete without a touch up on your eyelashes. Eyelashes are a vital part of your eye. They grow from the tips of the eyelids. Long eyelashes make an attractive look. That is why a lot of women dream to have longer lashes. But unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with long and thick eyelashes. We can make our eyelashes longer by makeup or by applying natural ways. If you have naturally long eyelashes, you don’t have to spend a lot of mascara to make it look longer. But if you don’t, then you may need to work on making it look longer. So why don’t you start growing your eyelashes naturally? Can you make your eyelashes grow longer than ever before? Learn the secret tricks and tips to grow longer eyelashes .

1. Proper Care

To get a perfect amount of eyelashes, you must take care of your eye to make it work. If you try everything and don’t keep your eyes clean, then you will not get the benefit. Take off your makeup and clean your eyes every time before you go to bed.

2. Brush Eyelashes

Yes it seems a little weird but there actually is a type of comb which can help you to brush your eyelashes. This one is the easiest way to make your eyelashes longer. Comb your eyelashes regularly and see the result.

3. Vaseline

It is an old-age trick but it really works! And it is the simplest one! You just have to use a cotton stick or mascara brush and apply a swipe of Vaseline on your eyelid before you go to bed. It will make your lashes longer and thicker. You have to wait for the results but it will make a noticeable change.

4. Natural Oils

Olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil and castor oil are mostly common for making your lash longer. Applying them regularly on your lashes can simply make it work. To see the best result, do it regularly. Natural oil contains vitamins, minerals and lengthening agents which will not only enlarge your lashes but also moisturize them.

5. Lash Accelerator

There are some mascaras which have lash accelerators. You can try the one from Rimmel London which will definitely work! A coat of mascara will make it grow longer. You have to spend a little for the mascara but you are giving a perfect look with your long eyelashes!

6. Vitamin E

If you think you need a faster result, try Vitamin E supplements. Make a routine of taking one on a daily basis. Vitamin E lotion also helps to increase your lashes to its maximum growth.

7. Massage Eyelids

Most common problems you may have faced with eyelashes are that they can fall out and even break if you mistreat them. You can rub your eyelids to help it out. Massaging the eyelids can stimulate the hair follicles which help to grow stronger eyelashes.

8. Diet

Your natural growth of hair depends on the diet you are following. If you have a bad diet then you will notice that your body will not support to the growths properly. Your eyelashes will not increase enough too. Try to intake fruits and veggies to make a remarkable difference.

9. Lengthening Mascara

If you have nothing that is working on your lashes, then just go for the lengthening mascaras. This one will give you an instant solution to make your lashes look longer and thicker.

Monday 17 August 2015

Fashion and Style Lookbook: Healthy Monday:10 Ways Stress Affects Women's Heal...

Fashion and Style Lookbook: Healthy Monday:10 Ways Stress Affects Women's Heal...: Although much has been made of the different ways that men and women respond to stress ( "fight or flight" vs. "tend and befr...

Healthy Monday:10 Ways Stress Affects Women's Health

Although much has been made of the different ways that men and women respond to stress ("fight or flight" vs. "tend and befriend"), there are also substantial discrepancies in how stress impacts women's health as compared to men's. Studies have found that women differ from men not only in their emotional responses to stress, but also that acute and chronic stress may take a greater toll on womens' physical and mental health.

When reacting to stressors, the body releases hormones such as cortisol, which is known to impact the immune system, digestive system, skin and more -- and cortisol responses to psychological stress have also been shown to differ between men and women. Stress can affect nearly every system in the body, and it may be undermining your health in more ways than you realize. Scroll through the list below for 10 physiological and cognitive effects of stress on women's health.

When reacting to stressors, the body releases hormones such as cortisol, which causes a temporary increase in energy production, sometimes at the cost of other bodily process not required for immediate survival, such as digestion and immune system function. In women, these hormone changes impact bodily processes in unique ways, which can lead to short- and long-term health problems.

1. Reduced Sex Drive
Major life events that cause stress, like starting a new job or moving to a new city, may lower libido, according to Dr. Irwin Goldstein, M.D. This can occur when elevated levels of cortisol suppress the body’s natural sex hormones.

2. Irregular Periods
Acute and chronic stress can fundamentally alter the body's hormone balance, which can lead to missed, late or irregular periods. Researchers have also found that women in stressful jobs are at a 50 percent higher risk for short cycle length (less than 24 days) than women who do not work in high-stress positions.

3. Acne Breakouts
Raised levels of cortisol in the body can cause excess oil production that contributes to the development of acne breakouts. A 2003 study observed that female college students experienced more breakouts during exam periods due to increased stress.

4. Hair Loss
Significant emotional or psychological stress can cause a physiological imbalance which contributes to hair loss. Stress can disrupt the life cycle of the hair, causing it to go into its falling-out stage. While you may not notice hair loss during or immediately following a period of stress, the changes can occur three to six months later.

5. Poor Digestion
Prolonged stress can greatly impact the digestive system by increasing stomach acid, causing indigestion and discomfort, and in some cases contributing to the development of IBS and ulcers. Reducing stress is key to maintaining a healthy digestive system, according to

6. Depression
Women are twice as likely to experience depression as men, and recent research has looked to differing stress responses and stress reactivity between the sexes to explain this discrepancy. Elevated levels of cortisol resulting from the chronic stress of a long-term, low grade job stress or the acute stress of a difficult life event like death or divorce can act as a trigger for depression.

7. Insomnia
Most of us know the feeling of tossing and turning at night, thinking over the events of the day or problems at work. Unsurprisingly, stress is a common cause of insomnia, which can in turn lead to difficulty concentrating, irritability and a lack of motivation.

8. Weight Gain
Research has linked higher levels of cortisol to a lower waist-to-hip ratio in women (i.e. more weight around the belly area), as well as a decreased metabolism. High stress levels are also correlated with increased appetite and sugar cravings, which can lead to weight gain.

9. Decreased Fertility
While further research is needed to better clarify the link between stress and fertility,recent studies have found that women with high levels of alpha-amylase, an enzyme linked to stress, had a more difficult time getting pregnant. Women with the highest concentration of the enzyme during their menstrual cycle were 12 percent less likely to conceive than women with the lowest concentration of alpha-amylase.

10. Increased Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke
According to a 2012 study of over 22,000 women, women under high amounts of stress at work were 40 percent more likely to experience a cardiovascular event (a heart attack or stroke) than women who reported low levels of job-related stress. Strokes are also more common among individuals with with stressful lives and tightly-wound personalities.

Credit ;Caroline Gregoire

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Do Dark Skinned People Need to Wear Sunscreen

It is true that the chances of acquiring some type of damage depends on the amount of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color and is also is found in human hair, that exists in the skin.

However, people with darker skin sometimes scar worse than their fairer skin counterparts.

"Darker skinned people are prone to hyperpigmentation-causing dark spots on the skin, which is very preventable if you wear sunscreen," Dr. Peredo said to Medical Daily.

When people with darker skin scar or are exposed to the sun, the marks are sometimes hard to get rid of. That's why reducing direct sun exposure can allow skin to heal faster, and helps prevent any type of scarring from acne, burns or cuts.

"I have a few African American patients with melanoma, it's a smaller percentage, but it does happen," said Dr Peredo.

Different skin types have different skin classifications and reactions to sun exposure.

According to Mayo Clinic, "Regardless of your skin type, the sun's energy penetrates deeply into the skin and damages DNA of skin cells. This damage may ultimately lead to skin cancer, including melanoma. Even people with type V or VI skin can develop skin cancer, often on the palms, fingers or other more lightly pigmented areas of their bodies."

Mayo Clinic has developed a chart to help you better understand your reaction to sun exposure:

Dr. Hugh Gloster told BBC News that minorities have a higher mortality rate with skin cancer because they aren't diagnosed until the cancer is more advanced and more difficult to treat.

"Your pigment does protect you to some extent, but not completely. UVA/UVB rays will still penetrate your skin, use sunscreen." Dr Nancy Snyderman said in an interview with theHuffington Post. "People of color with malignant melanoma have lousy outcomes, they die, and usually get more virulent cancers."

The amount of SPF needed in sunscreen depends on how tanned your skin is.

"Light; burns moderately; tans gradually (light brown) — Use SPF 8 to 12. Medium; burns minimally; always tans well (moderate brown) Use SPF 4 to 8. Dark; rarely burns; tans profusely (dark brown) — Use SPF 2 to 4," said Dr. Michael Camilleri of the Mayo Clinic.

The bottom line is, regardless of skin color, texture, or type, everyone needs sunscreen. It's a simple step in your everyday routine that could potentially save your life.

Credit:Mayo Clinic

Thursday 6 August 2015

Fashion and Style Lookbook: Ways to Condition Your Hair Naturally

Fashion and Style Lookbook: Ways to Condition Your Hair Naturally: There are so many different things you can use to condition your hair. It’s actually a bit overwhelming to consider all the possibilities: o...

Ways to Condition Your Hair Naturally

There are so many different things you can use to condition your hair. It’s actually a bit overwhelming to consider all the possibilities: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, coconut milk, honey, apple cider vinegar, lemon, mayonnaise, egg yolk… and those are just the ones I’ve tried!
Types of Natural Conditioners

I group natural conditioners into the following

are pretty easy to figure out. The most common I see recommended is olive oil, followed closely by coconut oil. Jojoba oil, argon oil, and castor oil are also popular but not as easy to find in stores. Avocado is also a popular conditioner, but usually recommended in the whole form, not just the oil.

 Egg yolk and mayonnaise I’ve tried each one once and it made a huge mess. It also made my hair extremely soft and shiny. If you have damaged hair, a protein mask is absolutely worth the mess.

Apple cider vinegar and lemon are acids  they are recommended in many different places as good natural conditioners. I did not have good experiences with them, probably because my hair is extremely dry. It seems that apple cider vinegar works best on oily hair.
Honey I’m not really sure which group to put it in. The recipes I have tried use honey along with an oil to make a creamy conditioning mask. Honey is very nourishing for hair and provides shine.

4 Ways to Use Conditioners
  • Most people use conditioner as a wash and rinse product. If you are co-washing your hair, then you are already adding a little bit of conditioner to your hair. Straight hair doesn’t usually need much additional moisture, so a light wash out product will probably be enough.

  • For additional moisturizing, conditioners can be used as a leave-in product on wet hair. I have found this to be the most helpful when I wear my hair curly to help the curls set without frizz. People with moderately dry hair prefer to use a light conditioner as a leave in. If that is not enough, you can use a slightly thicker conditioning cream. When I first started following a natural hair care routine, I needed a lot of moisture but now that my hair is healthy a light conditioner is enough.

  • On extremely dry or damaged hair, a deep conditioning treatment can work wonders. Most deep conditioning treatments are very thick cream like mixtures and work best when applied with a little heat. I have found the best way to apply a conditioning treatment is to work the product through clean, wet hair. Then add a shower cap (or plastic bag) to retain the moisture. Your body heat trapped within the shower cap is enough to provide deep penetration of the conditioner over an hour or two. If you want to speed things up, wet a towel with hot water and wrap it on top of the shower cap. When the towel gets cold, warm it up again. Repeat for 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Conditioning agents can also be used on dry hair. I have found olive or coconut oil to be great at eliminating frizz on both my straightened or curly hair when applied dry. Light conditioners can also be applied to curls to tame second (or third) day hair.

At this point you’re probably wondering where to start, what product to try first right? Start with what you have on hand in your kitchen. It will take a bit of trial and error to find the best product for your hair.
Credit Becky Marie

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Fashion and Style Lookbook: What Do You Have In Your Makeup Bag-10 Essential M...

Fashion and Style Lookbook: What Do You Have In Your Makeup Bag-10 Essential M...: Most women have the same exact problem: a cosmetic bag that's overflowing, but no clue exactly what to do with all the products. That&#3...

What Do You Have In Your Makeup Bag-10 Essential Makeup Must Have.

Most women have the same exact problem: a cosmetic bag that's overflowing, but no clue exactly what to do with all the products. That's when it's time to take a back-to-basics approach.